On March 18th, our final 5 nanosatellites were successfully launched aboard the Electron rocket, completing our 25-satellite constellation. Soon, your data will be accessible in less than 15 minutes, anywhere on the planet.
The 5 nanosatellites of mission IV "IoT 4 You and Me" will be launched starting February 4, 2025 (NZ Time) - bringing the constellation to 20 satellites out of the 25 planned. Tracking, monitoring and receiving alerts within minutes, anywhere on Earth, is now within reach!
Mission III « Ice AIS Baby» successful
On November 25, 2024, at 4:55 AM Paris time, Kinéis reached a significant milestone in the deployment of its nanosatellite constellation with the successful launch of the "Ice AIS Baby" mission.
The 5 nanosatellites from the 3rd mission AIS Ice Baby, secured in the Rocket Lab rocket’s fairing, are ready to join the first ten already deployed.
Mission II Kinéis "Killed The RadIoT Star" successful
On September 21st at 1:01 AM French time, space welcomed 5 new Kinéis nanosatellites, marking a crucial milestone in the deployment of the constellation.
The 5 nanosatellites of the 2nd mission are positioned with precision aboard the Electron rocket, ready for launch on September, the 19th.
Integration activities continue in the clean room at Hemeria.
Successful first lauch:"No Time Toulouse"
On June 20 at 8:13 p.m. sharp (Paris time), Kinéis reached a major milestone with the successful first launch by Rocket Lab of its first 5 nanosatellites, marking the beginning of the deployment of our IoT constellation composed of 25 nanosatellites.
After their 7-day journey, the satellites arrived at the launch site in perfect condition, and the GO was given to start campaign activities.
The teams on site are mobilised to ensure the preparation and optimum configuration of the satellites in order to guarantee the best technical conditions for the launch and separation phase.
Our first 5 nanosatellites are on their way to New Zealand for the final countdown.
The integrated Kinéis-CNES teams simulated LEOP's 48 hours of non-stop operations.
The Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) is one of the most critical stages of our mission, representing the moment when our satellites transition from launch mode to nominal mode in which all satellite’s functionalities are on.
Our antennas are the result of cutting-edge research and development lead by Comat and Cobham. crafted to perfection for our missions. They are tailor-made for our mission and develop impressive performance.
Each satellite has 2 types of antennas fully dedicated to IoT connectivity, the UHF and the S-band which merge into the self-deploying UHF-S antenna.
The Kinéis and CNES teams carried out Technical Operational Qualification (TOQ) tests during the 2 days following launch(Launch Early Operation Phase, LEOP).
The aim was to finalise the procedures and the chronology of operations for the first 48 hours of the nanosatellites after separation from the launcher.
On March 7th, Kineis opened the doors of its partner, Hemeria, to the media, institutions, and its collaborators. The objective was to unveil the stages of the production of Kineis nanosatellites.
The visit highlighted the work and technical innovations achieved by our teams and industrial partners.
Our teams have installed the 14th ground station in the Kinéis system.
Easter Island GRS is the third to be deployed in the Pacific Ocean, after French Polynesia and New Caledonia.
The 15 children winners of the "Your Drawing in Space" competition were received with their parents at Hemeria in Toulouse, where the satellites are produced, to admire their engraved drawings. The drawings were engraved on metal plates ready to be integrated into the satellites before their launch this summer.
Kinéis reveals its patch, federator and emblem of all space missions.
The patch woven in our colours represents the most important aspects of the Kinéis project: global connectivity, a network of ground stations, varied applications and the end user. An essential collector's item in this exceptional year of launches.
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The Kinéis and Hemeria teams carried out ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests on the Proto-Flight Model (PFM) of the Kinéis satellite
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Teams from Kinéis and Hemeria carried out vibration tests on the Proto-Flight Model (PFM)
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Kinéis sets up its 7th ground station in Indonesia
Two additional antennas are installed in South Africa
Third ground station deployed in French Guyana
The ground station in Sweden, located near the pole, consists of 4 antennas
First antenna performance tests in BCMA room (compact antenna measurement base) carried out at Cnes
About us
Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.
© kineis – IoT everywhere – 2023
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